Model1 needs temperatures as mere predictors at multiple levels, specifically the bottom layer and the 1st and 3rd on top of it. COSMO has a variable to store temperature on multiple layers and calls it ‘T
’. It is the only variable with missing data, specifically the file laf20080212.grb. A copy of the succeeding file laf2008110213.grb replaces it.
Fig. 1: Layer 0, the bottom layer. This is the crop that read_grib1 will perform on the full data field.
Fig. 2: Horizontally, this is the whole domain of the data, the COSMO-DE domain.
Fig. 3: This small detail of 10 x 10 pixels means to illustrate that the value of the variables change on the lowest resolved scale. It is located on the southernmost easternmost corner of the crop.
The replacement technique echoes the step-0-decumulation workaround.